“Bericht über das Seminar” by Gloria Sundermann

Bericht über das Netzwerkseminar „Blog On – E^27+x=? – Where does Europe end? EU enlargement and Social Media: a web project!“ vom 18. bis 24. 09.2011

Am Sonntag, dem 18. September, traten wir zu viert die kurze Reise nach Bad Marienberg an. Wir, das sind Sabine Wilke, Julian Behringer, Florian Buchmann und ich. Wir sahen dem Seminar mit gemischten Gefühlen entgegen, da wir alle nicht wussten, was auf uns zukommen würde.
Als wir ankamen, hörten wir bereits ein osteuropäisches Sprachenwirrwarr und sahen neugierige und aufgeregte Jugendliche umherlaufen. Die erste gemeinsame Aktivität war erst einmal das Abendessen, bei dem uns bewusst wurde, wie viel eigentlich 60 Leute sind. Zu dem Zeitpunkt war es für mich noch undenkbar, dass wir als Gruppe zusammenwachsen könnten. Den restlichen Abend hatten wir nach einer kurzen Einführung in das Programm zur freien Verfügung. Schüchtern machte sich unsere deutsche Clique, zu der sich noch zwei Idar-Obersteiner gesellt hatten, auf den Weg in unseren Aufenthaltsraum. Vor Überraschung klappte uns beinahe die Kinnlade herunter, als wir rund 20 Jugendliche aus allen übrigen Nationen tanzen sahen zu Liedern aus verschiedenen Nationen. Das gab zumindest mir ein erstes kleines Gefühl einer europäischen Gemeinschaft.

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Imagefilm – #europexl movie production

I know, after reading the title of this post many expect the / a video to follow. I am sorry to disappoint you. This post is just a trailer! A plain old teaser, written to inform you about the event to come – a video production by Kleinlaut. We expect Lukas Ullrich to finish his work sometime during October (probably at the end of it). Just to make you wait for it: IT’S GOING TO BE GOOD! We saw the raw material and we thought that Lukas shot really nice pictures. At the end of his 3 days in the seminar he had 75 GB audio-visual material. You can imagine what that means – lots of sorting out! As soon as we have the video, we’ll tell you. Thx, by the way, for agreeing to host Lukas and his camera over the week.

New site stats

I must say… these numbers are going beyond what we expected. Let’s keep this running! More posts are to come today. Due to poular requests participants have installed a “Stats widget” in the right side column, informing you about the latest blog-traffic-numbers.

Final Evaluation for “Blog On” 2011

Time has come. This is you chance to come to terms with everything you have experienced throughout the week. Here is just a short reminder of what exactly you have seen witnessed and (hopefully) learned over the past few days.

Monday: 1. Intense Ice-Breaking session (Tweetdating / Facebook profiling offline / Questions cards – Michael Jackson remembrance dacing, magic tricking) 2. Deaddrop Caching (You remember it distinctly I hope ;-))

Tuesday: 1. Christian Scholz (aka @mrtopf) on blogging and marketing strategies) / First blogging 2. Small Workshop groups to deal with different aspects of the blogosphere 3. Start of the big creative workshopping session

Wednesday: 1. Willem Noe (do I have to say more?) 2. Workshops continue

Thursday: 1. Goofing around in Cologne (Shopping and fast feeding) 2. IJAB in Bonn (mobility in Europe / eParticipation – pictures to help you recall the events you’ll find here)

Friday: 1. Time to finish and digitalize the Workshops and the results 2. Presentation time

Throughout the week: Bob (Noooo!) / Murder Game / Twitterwall (#europexl)

Please take your time to give precise answers and valueable information. Maybe even use the following questions as a guideline for your answers: 1. What have you learned? 2. Imagine coming home and talking to your friends about this seminar (not the parties ;-)) 3. Name three things you really liked / Name three things we could improve.